Hollyhock Seeds
Alcea rosea, A. rosea subsp. ficifolia, A. rugosa, A. pallida
How to plant Hollyhock seeds26 Hollyhocks
Hollyhocks are sturdy and stately, old fashioned plants. They bloom over a long summer season. Flowers attract hummingbirds and butterflies. Plants will usually reseed and return year after year.
Double Flowered
Alcea rosea
Large double, flattened peony-shaped flowers. Plants are biennials or short-lived perennials. Average garden height is 5-7 ft. Grown in rich soil with plenty of water, plants can reach a whopping 10-12 ft. tall. We are pleased to offer the following excellent, often seldom seen varieties.
Chater's Double Series
NEW FOR 1847
William Chater (1802-1885) through his Saffron Walden Nursery in England, revolutionized the growing of hollyhocks upon the release of the 1847 seed catalog. Offered for the first time, were reliably double hollyhock flowers of uncommon size and substance, in colors not previously seen.
Chater's hollyhocks are biennials or short-lived perennials. Plants bulk up the first season - bigger plants produce more flowers - and then explode into bloom in late spring or summer of the second year. In astonishingly rapid fashion, plant stems elongate and produce a wealth of large, plump buds. Spectacular, towering, flowering stalks follow. Cut back after bloom, plants will flower again in late summer and fall. Seeds allowed to mature near the end of the season, will often self-sow. Plants are winter hardy to zone 3.
Assorted Double
Alcea rosea
Dwarf Double
Alcea rosea
Single Flowered
Alcea rosea, A. rosea subsp. ficifolia, A. rugosa, A. pallida
Spotlight Series
Alcea rosea hybrids
Hollyhock seed stock was collected from around the world and reselected and hybridized in Germany for 18 years. The results have been extraordinary - the introduction of the first true perennial, single hollyhock series. Bloom is from late spring through early fall. Plants will flower the first year when started early and grow to up to 5-6 ft. tall and 5 ft. across. Winter hardy to zone 3.
Halo Series
Alcea rosea
Large 4-5 in. flowers with brightly colored 'halo' centers. These tall, bushy 6-8 ft. tall perennial hollyhocks bloom from July to September. Flowers the first year from seed when started early. Halo series hollyhocks are some of the highest performing, showiest hollyhocks you can grow. Plants are rust resistant. Self-sows. Winter hardy to zone 3.
Individual Single
Alcea spp.
How to Plant and Grow Hollyhock

Plant Hollyhock Seeds: Sow seeds in 2 in. pots or cell packs, press into soil and lightly cover. Kept at 70-75° F., germination is in 14-28 days. Can direct sow into prepared seed beds in groups of 3-4 seeds, spaced 2-3 ft. apart. Thin to strongest plant.
Grow Hollyhock: Full sun, part sun in hottest climates. Hollyhock plants perform best in fertile soil with regular moisture. Irrigate from below and provide good air circulation. True perennial hollyhocks noted in description. Most are biennials, or short-lived perennials. Many hollyhocks flower the first season when started early. After flowering cut back plants hard, to within a few in. of the ground. Continue to water and fertilize. Plants repeat bloom in late summer and fall. Single flower hollyhocks attract hummingbirds and butterflies. Hollyhock plants will often self sow.