Dahlia Seeds
Dahlia variabilis
How to plant Dahlia seedsHow to Plant and Grow Dahlia

Plant Dahlia Seeds: Sow seed in cell packs or 2 in. pots, press into soil and barely cover. Kept at 75°F., germination is in 7-20 days. Transplant into the garden 12 in. apart for dwarf dahlias, and 24 to 36 in. apart for tall dahlias.
Grow Dahlia: Full sun, prefers afternoon shade in hot, dry climates. Keep soil moist, water deeply 2-3 times per week. Flowers attract butterflies, and are excellent for cutting. Plants are deer resistant, may be damaged when access to regular food or water is limited. Tubers are dug in autumn, stored for the winter, planted the following spring.