Snapdragon Seeds
Antirrhinum majus
How to plant Snapdragon seedsPlant Snapdragons because:
- you love showy color in the spring and/or fall
- you need more hummingbirds and bumblebees in your life
- you want beautiful and reliable long-lasting cut flowers
- you cannot resist a flower that talks
Tall Snapdragons
Tall snapdragons are dramatic vertical accents for your borders or beds. Flowers are superb for cutting, and will often carry a sweet fragrance. Tall snapdragons bloom in spring and summer in cool weather areas, and winter and spring in mild winter, hot summer areas.
Potomac Series
Potomac series hybrid snapdragons are among the best for providing high-quality, 36-40 in. tall, sturdy flower spikes in the longer, warmer days of late spring and summer. Florets are tightly packed on the stem in soft pastel colors that blend beautifully together for romantic bouquets. Plant Potomac snapdragons towards the back of mixed borders, or as vertical accents in large container plantings.
Chantilly Series
Vigorous, high-performing plants produce dramatic, sturdy 36-40 in. long stems of huge, open-face, lightly-scented, butterfly-type flowers in attractive designer colors. These blooms are longer lived than other snapdragons, both in the garden and the vase. Plants grow 4-4½ ft. tall, are spectacularly showy when massed.
Madame Butterfly Series
Strong spires of frilly, fully double azalea-type flowers bloom in a richly varied color range, including some extraordinarily beautiful bronze shades. Madame Butterfly snapdragons grow 24-30 in. tall, and are widely adapted; easy to grow in just about any climate. Ideal for cut flowers and adding vertical interest to garden beds, borders and mixed containers. Madame Butterfly Mix is an All-America Selections Winner.
Candy Tops Series
Candy Tops snapdragons grow up to 24 in. tall, about mid-height for snapdragons. Abundant, strong, fragrant flower spikes bloom in clear, bright colors. Plant behind dwarf snapdragons and/or in front of tall snapdragons for an eye-pleasing stair-step effect. Fill spring and fall containers with Candy Tops for cool-season color, or plant in the fall for winter blooms in areas that get little or no frost.
Dwarf Snapdragons
Dwarf snapdragons add brightness and beauty to your borders, raised beds, or containers. Dwarf snapdragon plants flower in spring and summer in cool weather areas, winter and spring in warm winter, hot summer areas.
Twinny Series
Twinny snapdragons produce large, gorgeous, double, butterfly-type snapdragons perfect for cutting. The 12 in. tall plants are exceptionally weather tolerant, perform beautifully in both heat and rain. Twinny Snapdragons grow beautifully in containers, color bowls, raised beds, or the landscape.
How to Plant and Grow Snapdragon

Plant Snapdragon Seeds: Sow snapdragon seeds in cell packs or flats, press into soil but do not cover. Need light to germinate. Kept at 55°F., germination is in 10-21 days. Transplant dwarf snapdragon seedlings 6-8 in. apart, tall snapdragons 12-18 in. apart. Direct sowing snapdragon seed is not recommended.
Grow Snapdragons: Full sun, will tolerate part sun especially in warm climates. Plants like rich, moist, well-drained soils. Avoid overhead watering. When cut back after flowering, snapdragons will quickly bloom again. Flowers excellent for cutting, sometimes sweetly scented, available in traditional 'snapping' flowers or open mouth 'butterfly' or 'azalea' flowers.
Hummingbirds love snapdragons, and the butterfly-types (Madame Butterfly and Twinny) are the easiest flowers on which to feed. Snapdragons are cold tolerant to about 18°F., are cool weather plants often grown with, and like pansies. Bloom cycle is complete when temperatures consistently top 80°F. Snapdragon plants are deer and rabbit resistant.