Broccoli Seeds
Brassica oleracea
How to plant Broccoli seedsBroccoli is relatively easy to grow, and home-grown is immeasurably better than the tough, bland material at the supermarket.
How to Plant and Grow Broccoli

Plant Broccoli Seeds: Sow broccoli seed in cell packs or flats ½ in. deep, 4 to 6 weeks prior to setting out. Space 10 to 18 in. apart. Can direct sow ½ in. deep, in rows 18 to 36 in. apart. Thin to 8 to 18 in. apart. Kept at 65-75°F., germination is in 7-14 days.
Grow Broccoli: Broccoli is a cool season vegetable that (in our relatively mild climate) we plant in fall, winter and spring. In cold-winter areas broccoli is planted in April and May and even through mid July if the summers are mild. Harvest before the flower buds open. Once the center head is cut, side shoots develop and will produce continuously when harvested regularly.