Petunia Seeds
Petunia x hybrida
How to plant Petunia seedsDouble Cascade Series
This series is fast gaining in popularity as gardeners discover there is finally a double petunia that blooms every bit as heavily as the singles. And the flowers. . . wow! They are huge and impressive 4 in. ruffled, carnation-like blooms that keep coming all season long.
Double Cascade petunias are perfect for planters, window boxes or hanging baskets, and also look great placed in the border. The well-branched plants reach 10-15 in. tall and spread 10-12 in. across.
Individual Petunia Varieties
The best and brightest individual petunias.
Mambo Series
New genetic dwarf multiflora petunia that will not stretch even under adverse conditions. Mambo flowers earlier than any multiflora and its elegant flowers are larger (up to 3½ in. across). Extremely weather tolerant plants thrive and flower no matter what Mother Nature has to offer. Growing 6-8 in. tall and wide, plants will flower continuously until frost and are perfect for edging borders or paths. Mambo petunias receive our vote as the premium petunias for container gardening.
Hurrah Series
Hurrah petunias are the among the earliest blooming multiflora petunia series. Plants grow to 10-12 in. tall, and the 2½-3 in. flowers appear continuously through both heat and humidity. University trials consistently provide loud applause for the Hurrah series of petunias.
Supercascade Series
Supercascade petunias cover themselves in extra-large 4½ in. flowers. They are high impact petunias perfect for introducing eye-popping color into your hanging baskets, containers, or borders. Plants grow to 15 in. tall and 12 in. wide.
Daddy Series
Daddy petunias are superb performers, produce 4 in. ruffled flowers with showy, deeply colored veins. The 12-18 in. tall plants are weather tolerant and early flowering. Daddy petunias are particularly attractive in hanging baskets.
Frost Series
Bright and showy, ruffled and flaring 3 in. grandiflora flowers are frosted in white. Growth is bushy and branching to 14 in. tall, and 16 in. wide.
How to Plant and Grow Petunia

Plant Petunia Seeds: Sow petunia seed in cell packs or flats, press into soil but do not cover. Needs light to germinate. Kept at 70-75°F., seeds germinate in 7-21 days. Transplant petunia seedlings into the garden 7-18 in. apart.
Grow Petunia: Full sun or part shade. Part shade preferred in hot climates.