Peony Poppy Seeds
and Pompom Poppies
Papaver paeoniflorum, P. laciniatum
How to plant Peony Poppy seedsPeony poppies are easy-to-grow flowers that cheer-up and add spark to even the most bland of gardens. They are planted in fall or early spring and produce huge, double 4-5 in. wide, deeply frilled flowers on sturdy, 2-3 ft. tall plants.
How to Plant and Grow Peony Poppy

Sow seeds in peat pots or cell packs, press into soil but do not cover. Needs light to germinate. Kept at 65°F., germination is in 14-21 days. Can direct sow, onto ground that has had the top one in. of soil loosened. Rake seed in, press into soil by walking over the area. Thin to 12 in. apart.