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2025 Seed Catalog

Lupine Seeds

Lupinus polyphyllus

How to plant Lupine seeds

Russell Hybrids Series

The classic lupines. Produce spectacular, tall flower spikes in late spring and early summer. Winter hardy to zone 4.

How to Plant and Grow Lupine

Bee introduces how to plant

Plant Lupine Seeds: Chip lupine seeds with nail clippers, or soak in warm water overnight prior to sowing. Sow in peat pots or cell packs, and lightly cover. Kept at 65-75°F., germination averages 14-21 days. Can direct sow lupine seeds into the garden in groups of 3 or 4 seeds, spaced 24-36 in. apart. Thin to the strongest plant.

Grow Lupine: Sun or part shade. Will flower the first year when started early. Plants prefer rich, moist soil, and mild temperatures. In hot summer areas lupines are grown as annuals; they are planted in October to flower in March and April. Plants resist deer and rabbits. Nectar rich flowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds.

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