Geum Seeds
a.k.a. Scarlet Avens, Grecian Rose
Geum quellyon var. flore plena, G. coccineum
How to plant Geum seedsHow to Plant and Grow Geum

Plant Geum Seeds: Sow geum seeds in cell packs or flats, barely cover. Light aids germination. Kept at 68°F., germination is in 21-30 days. Transplant geum seedlings 12 to 18 in. apart. Can direct sow in prepared seed beds, in groups of 3-4 seeds spaced 12 to 18 in. apart. Thin to the strongest plant.
Grow Geum: Full sun in mild summer climates, afternoon shade where it is hot. Geum dislikes heat combined with humidity. Prefers moist, fertile soil with good winter drainage. Remove faded flowers to extend bloom season. An excellent cut flower; long, wiry stems make for easy arrangement. Geum plants are deer and rabbit resistant. Cut plants back hard after bloom to improve appearance and vigor. Divide plants every three to four years.