Shirley Poppy Seeds
a.k.a. Corn poppy
Papaver rhoeas
How to plant Shirley Poppy seeds10 Shirley Poppies
Shirley Poppies are true harbingers of spring. Bloom is early when their bright, cheerful faces are most welcome - other annual plants are weeks away from flowering. Bloom season can be extended through summer when seed is sown successively. Sear fresh-cut stems with a match flame, to prepare Shirley poppies for your vase. Super-showy and easy to naturalize and grow, our gardens would not be complete without Shirley poppies. Plants reach 18 to 36 in. tall.
How to Plant and Grow Shirley Poppy

Direct sow Shirley poppies into prepared seed beds that have been cleared of weeds and have had the top 1 in. of soil loosened. Rake seed in. Press into soil by walking over the area. Keep moist until germination. Kept at 60-75°F., germination is in 14-21 days. Can start indoors in 2 in. containers.